The GateLab

Preparing your simulation

A GATE simulation is composed of several files (macros files, but also data files. Your simulation folder must be organized as followed : all input files (including the GateMaterials.db file) must be in a "data" folder, all macro files in a "mac" folder and all output files in a "output" folder. All of these three folders must be in the same parent folder from which GATE will be executed. Your macro files must therefore refer to the inputs as "data/..." to macros as "mac/..." and outputs as "output/...". Note that your GateMaterials.db file has to be present in your data folder.

Supported simulation types

Currently, only some types of simulations can be submitted with the GateLab. Remember that a simulation is composed of a (generally large) number of Events (primary particles) that are sequentially tracked. Some simulations also required several Runs, that are "group" of Events : the geometry is rebuild between each Run. Generally, several Runs are used when time is taken into account in the simulation. When a simulation requires more than one Run, it is a little bit less easy to be paralelized.

To determine if your simulation can be submitted, three cases can be determined

Remember to always use the "setTotalNumberOfPrimaries" macro command, which is the number of the events for PET/SPECT simulations. Just add this command before the commands of setting the TimeSlice, TimeStart and TimeStop. eg.

/gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries 10000000 /gate/application/setTimeSlice 1 s /gate/application/setTimeStart 0 s /gate/application/setTimeStop 10 s

Launching your simulation

Click on the "GateLab" icon in your Home tab:
A new tab opens.

Important Remarks

Monitoring your simulations

All your simulations

In your Home tab you have a 'Monitor GateLab' icon:


One of your simulations

Retrieving outputs

In the General Information tab of you simulation, you have access to a list of the simulation's inputs and outputs. In order to retrieve the output, simply click on the output link and download it. For more information on file transfer see also the file transfer page.