Hands-on: sharing models for multi-modality medical image simulation with VIP

This hands-on introduces the main semantic features in VIP, namely the model repository and the simulated data repository.
Four exercises will allow you to experiment all the aspects of the creation and the use of models.
We will exemplify them on brain MRI simulation.

Exercise 1: explore the model repository (10 min)

home_models skull brainweb 1 brainweb2 download
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Exercise 2: explore repository of simulated data (5 min)

home_data mr_data Back to top

Exercise 3: import your own model (15 min)

In this exercise you will import a model composed of 4 parameter maps acquired in the VISAGES team at INRIA. This model will be used in an MRI simulation in the next exercise. new model panels maps drag annotation added all-maps expand annotation name commit Back to top

Exercise 4: launch simulations from model repository (10 min)

In this exercise, you will simulate MRIs using the SimuBloch simulator developed in the VISAGES team at INRIA. launch 3d simulator selection params bug kill view That's it, we hope you enjoyed the hands-on.
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References and acknowledgments:

The Virtual Imaging Platform is a French project funded by ANR under grant ANR-09-COSI-03.