How to import an application

Write your application descriptor with Boutiques

Applications are imported into VIP using Boutiques descriptors.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need help with writing your application descriptor. Once the descriptor is ready, VIP admins will import it for you.

We recommend that descriptors are versionned and published to Zenodo, similarly to what has been done for the Gate OpenDose application:

Note that publising to Zenodo can be done through VIP, once the application is imported with its Boutiques descriptor. In exchange, you will get a DOI allowing for the proper citation of the application.

We also recommend that you use containers (such as Docker or Singularity) to facilitate application installation and sharing.

Docker guidelines

Troubleshooting tips: compiled Matlab functions

Arguments of compiled Matlab functions will be passed as strings, which may create nasty bugs at runtime. We recommend that numerical arguments are handled using code such as:
                if ~isnumeric(parameter)
                  parameter = str2double(parameter);
                  if isnan(parameter)
                    disp('The parameter value is not a number')