
MRI simulation

In this exercise we will simulate a spin-echo MR image of the brain using SimuBloch, a code developed by Fang Cao, Olivier Commowick and Christian Barillot at IRISA in Rennes.
  1. In your home page, open MRI simulator "SimuBloch v0.2"
  2. Look at the parameters of the simulator: 3 maps defining the magnetic parameters (T1, T2 and proton density M0) in each voxel of the brain, two MR sequence parameters (TR and TE), and a directory where the results will be stored.
  3. In section "Examples" (examples), load one of the examples available for "SimuBloch v0.2", for instance "PD weighted" (move your mouse over the example and click the green button):
  4. Then click "launch" and wait until a green message appears to confirm that the simulation was launched.
  5. Go back to your home page, and open "Simulation Monitor". Your simulation should be in status running:
  6. The simulation task is created and appears in the "Jobs summary":
  7. After a few seconds, the simulation is completed, and the result image is available for download in tab "General Information". Download the result file by right-clicking on the output link:
  8. Results can finally be downloaded on your local machine from the file transfer tool:
  9. To visualize the result, download and install VV, and open the .nii.gz file that you have just downloaded:result